We now generally recognize five categories of taste:
- Sweet taste is a reaction with dissolved glucose (or sucrose or some other similar molecule). This tells us the food has a lot of easily accessible energy content. If you're an animal this is a very good thing, so sweet tastes good.
- Salty taste is the detection of Na+ ions. Salt (NaCl) dissolves into Na+ and Cl- ions in water, so if our saliva has a lot of Na+ ions we must be eating something salty. Again, in nature salt can be scarce, but is critical for survival, so it tastes good.
- Sour taste is detection of H+ ion concentration in the saliva. This means that sourness is the same as acidity.
- Bitter is triggered by a variety of molecules, many are alkaloids which tend to be basic in pH. This usually comes from plants that are producing it as a defensive poison, so the body's first reaction tends to be to label the taste as bad or even gag. Bitter foods like coffee and beer tend to be acquired tastes.
- Umami is detected by reacting with various proteins, and thus indicates protein-rich foods like meat. This is a savory taste.